Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Round 2 ~ Is it a KO?

 March 2

The hair is falling out big time, not in clumps, but more like shedding here and there. The back of my
sweatshirt looked like a fuzzy sweater and I was losing more hair than any of our animals combined. I was even losing more than the two parakeets who are molting!

So my mom, who came over for dinner, grabbed the scissors and started cutting my hair.... "It will be easier to shave" she said.  Of course after she was done, she just HAD to grab her Kindle and take a picture....

"HOLY CRAP MOM! I look like a CANCER PATIENT!!!............   Oh wait.... I AM a cancer patient.....   *sigh.... "

March 5

Chemo Day! Round 2.... Two down and Four
to go! YAY!  I feel great! I'm ready to go
out dancing...! I am dreading getting that
stinking shot tomorrow.......; *sigh....

Mom came with me again... and yes... she
took another picture... And yes... she was
just as chatty... "I'm shy" she tells people
and then proceeds to talk.. and talk.. and
.... well, you get the idea...

So I'm sitting there, playing on my
Kindle Fire... My mom has disappeared,15 minutes
pass, no mom....Half an hour passes...still no mom...
At the 45 minute mark, I get a message from mom on
Facebook..."Sisu, are you still there?" she types.   "Ah
yea", I type back... "Where are you?" "Oh", she types,
"sitting on the other side of the post, talking to these
people..."  *sigh... Did I mention? My Mom is
Chatty Kathy?????.........


Took another selfie today.... Had to show you. I CAN have BED HEAD yet and I have the picture to prove it!!!!!  Do you realize just how hard it is to untangle those tassels in the morning??????..... Just saying....

And..... what a weird morning this morning was... Alarm starts ringing... I wake up... Alarm goes off... I put on my glasses, grab my phone and head for the bathroom...

Go pee, wash my hands... brush my teeth... and...the alarm goes off... wait.. that's not my alarm... It's hubby's... I grab my phone and look at the time... *sigh... It's 3:45 am.. my alarm is set for 6:50 am... *sigh... I crawled back in bed...

Woke up again... my youngest has come into my bathroom.... After she leaves, I stumble to the bathroom... pee again.... wash my hands again....  brush my teeth again... get the rest of my clothes together that I didn't get together the first time I was up.... Wait... why hasn't my alarm gone off??? I grab my phone... again... look at the time... WTH???  It's 5:57 am... I still have almost an hour to sleep...

Alarm FINALLY goes off.... I go to the bathroom.... pee AGAIN....wash hands... AGAIN....  brush my teeth... AGAIN.... Geez, I have the cleanest teeth and hands  in town today.....!!!!  


  1. You are AWESOME!!!! and a TRUE INSPIRATION!!!!! xoxo

    1. Kristi! Thank you so much for your kind words and your support... It means the world to me! Hugs my friend!

  2. I am fighting! I am in it to win it! :-) Love you!

  3. OMG my daughter, I am so proud of you and you are such a hoot. What a great gal you are. Love you to pieces. Chatty Kathy Mom here. ♥♥♥♥

  4. lol, Mom, I wouldn't trade you for the world! Thank you for coming along with me to my treatments! Love you!!!!!

  5. Just how long does it take to untangle those tassels?! LOL! <3 from Laura

    1. lol... Dunno.. Soon as I get them untangled... I'll let you know!
