Wednesday, May 28, 2014

LAST ONE and DONE!!!!!!

Last week I saw my oncologist... I was soooooo happy, all my blood work came back looking great! All set to go into my last round of chemo.... Doc asked me how I was feeling.... I looked at her stupidly... "With my hands", I replied.... "I'm curious... how do YOU feel"?.... ahahahahahahaha! I couldn't help myself.. I was giddy! I was happy!! I was EXCITED!!! and I told her so... "I can't wait!!!" I said... "I can't wait to see when my hair will grow back... I can't wait to see what my hair will look like.." Laughing, she told me that I probably wouldn't know much until more towards the end of Summer.. "That's okay," I said... "I'll be watching... and waiting...."

I practically skipped out of the room that day, got into the elevator.... I was the only one in there.... Pushed the button for the first floor... Or did I?.... I waited... could have sworn that stinking elevator went down... The elevator stopped...  or so I thought; doors opened... and out I skip~ um walked... right back on the second floor... I'm still confused, I really swear that elevator went down!!!! and geesh... did I feel like an idiot.... and KNOW that I looked like one!!

This is it!! Today I'm done with chemo!! WOOHOO!!!! .....Because I'm happy ....Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth...Because I'm happy... Clap along if you know what happiness is to you........ Yup! I love that song!! and... best of all... That means that tomorrow is my last stinking shot! Have I mentioned? I HATE THAT SHOT!!!

First Round of Chemo: February 12, 2014

Day 105: Sixth and Final Round of Chemo

Final Round of Chemo: May 28, 2014

Day 1: No Hair Yet!!!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

George and Gilbert Update

So if you check back to one of my earlier posts, I tell the story of George and Gilbert...They're my plants that a friend of mine told me to tend to.... that they would be a part of my healing...

Let me tell you about Gilbert... He's one bad seed for sure... I waited patiently for a month... watering him... but nothing... then I bought some new seeds and planted them.... and waited... and nothing.... Then one day here recently, I looked at Gilbert... Holy Cow! He's sprouting... now... at this point... I can't remember what the original seeds were... the second set of seeds that I planted are Lavender... So it will be interesting to see what I'm going to get....

As for George.... George was doing great... and I upgraded him to a new pot... George continued to grow, so I again upgraded him to his current pot... About a week later... George wasn't looking to good... I felt the soil... Hmmm, not wet, yet not dry... slightly moist? So I watered him... ah better.... except... George continued to look bad... Well crud...... This has been going on for about three weeks now... George is simply not looking too good...

The other day I was talking to my daughter.... "Mom", she said... "George isn't looking too good....."  "I know" I replied... "I don't get it... I haven't changed my watering habits with him... I just don't understand why George isn't doing well..." I looked at my daughter.... She had a funny look on her face.... "Oooh", she said... "I've been watering George too..."...   *sigh... well that explains it... Poor George is getting a wee bit too much water.... Last night my son chimes in... "Mom, how come your plant looks awful... I've been watering him... but it isn't helping.... "  WHAT!!!!!! Both my daughter and I spun around to look at my son... WELL CRAP!!! No wonder George looks horrible.... We're drowning him!!!! It's a wonder he hasn't died!!!!!!  That's it... I quit watering George... I told the kids to decide which one of them was going to water George... and as for me... I'll just continue to talk to George and ask him to please not die.... I'll even give him a life saver if that will help!!!!

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Rounds 4 and 5

As I sit here typing the title... Rounds 4 and 5... it makes me think of being in a boxing match... and I guess in a sense I am... In one corner... Me... in the other corner, Cancer... Who will win?? Well of course in my mind... I win every time! It's been a while since I've posted... I've been spending my time regrouping and focusing.. I was approved for disability, had a new CT which shows that my tumor has shrunk somewhat. Those are great things..
I have one more round of chemo to go.. then I'll go on an every three week maintenance plan where I'll receive one of my chemo drugs... My doc feels that the tumor will continue shrinking, so that's great news as well... I cried when I received my letter that said I would receive disability... Through my tears I wailed... "The government thinks I'm going to die.." But as I continued reading my letter I came to a point where it said that I would be re-evaluated in 5-7 years... which at that point I again wailed "but the government thinks I'm going to live another 7 years!!" Lol... Just no pleasing me eh?

 I just want to say that I truly appreciate those of you who are with me on this journey. I appreciate the thoughts, prayers, cards and gifts that you've sent.
Not too mention all your words of encouragement, for drying my tears when they fall... You all help me to continue picking my feet up and keep moving forward. So for now I'll shut up and share with you some selfies... Usually my mom is with me on chemo day but she had something come up and couldn't be with me for last week's chemo. So I ended up taking my picture instead... Peek-A-Boo!