Monday, December 22, 2014

The End of The First Year

It has come to my attention that the last time I made a blog post was back in July... Holy crap! Forever ago! So much has happened since then.

My happy dance came to an abrupt end in October when my PET Scan showed that my tumor was growing again. In fact, the tumor was every bit as big, if not bigger, than what it was when I was originally diagnosed. Additionally, a new spot was discovered on the right lung as well.. The good news, this time, my left lung remains clear.....

Coming into November, my oncologist put me on a new treatment. I'm able to take my chemo this time by an oral pill. Yay... no stinking shot....!!!! 150 mg pill once a day, has to be taken an hour before on an empty stomach or two hours after eating... Crap... had to rearrange how I was taking my pills.... Acne... they say I'll have acne like what I had when I was a teen.... AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
They LIED!!!!! I NEVER had acne this bad!!!! OH MY GOD!!! I was miserable... in pain... acne on my chest... in my ears... in my hair... on my butt... yes, you read that right.... and my face... OOOOOOOOOh..... it was NOT fun! I ended up taking myself off of the pill... for two weeks... I did go in and see the oncologist... who want me to remain on the pill... but did put me on a lower dose instead... I ended up losing a day and I was concerned as to whether or not I'd be able to pull off Thanksgiving.... Which I did.... it actually turned out beautifully....

It's been over two weeks now... I did stop this pill for 2 days because I had another breakout starting up... Yay, by the third day, things had backed off and I returned to taking my pill...

So my journey isn't over, not by a long shot. I hope you continue along with me... because I don't know about you, but I sure appreciate the company, the support, the prayers.... and well... YOU! From the bottom of my heart.... THANK YOU!!  If you look at the headers above...  ^ You'll see that there is a new tab... It says Year 2 ~ The Fight Continues... If you click on it, it will take you to a new page where I will still be chronicling my journey. Hugs friends and family. I can feel the love!

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